Plan miasta Dulbergs

Dulbergs - Najnowsze wiadomości:

zdogchen master tulku yeshi

my brother kaldan's summer vacation in my homeland. my old sunglasses and book. my lama yongzin rinpoche's monastery(tharshu gonpa). my birth place "kuku". -----my brother yeshi sangpo and his long view. the patient. by tulku yeshe gyatso. translated by eric dulberg. there is, under the patient's bed,. a great pile of gold coins. yet above the patient,. the very air he breathes is black. the corners of the patient's mind. are filled with life's desires. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Zdogchen Master Tulku Yeshi

translated by Eric Dulberg. There is, under the patient's bed,. A great pile of gold coins. Yet above the patient,. The very air he breathes is black. The corners of the patient's mind. Are filled with life's desires. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

What Happenned To The Dulberg Sisters?

... with the active assistance of an Italian court. We need your help in order to free them!The Dulbergs married in Israel, had two daughters, and separated in Italy in 1991. For several years the mother remained the custodial parent. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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